END fatherlessness!
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 18.3 million children, 1 in 4, live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. Fatherlessness is an epidemic that transcends racial, cultural, and socio-economical barriers. Join us in eliminating this societal enigma one family at a time.

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families in the US are single-mother households

fathers are absent from the lives of their children

of high school dropouts are from fatherless homes

father absent children are more likely to divorce or dissolve their cohabiting unions and are more likely to have children outside marriage or outside any partnership

of youth in prison grew up in fatherless homes
Terrance, IT Professional
I strongly believe that Our Fatherless Foundation is a powerful tool to help combat all the challenging conditions that fathers face today. For example, fathers who might want to pursue a professional career could learn some invaluable skills through this foundation.

Andre, Warehouse Manager
I feel that this is definitely needed in many communities. I believe this movement will impact many lives and I’m looking forward to seeing Our Fatherless Foundation do great things. I believe Joe Roberson is the perfect leader and example for this foundation.

Dawiet, IT Director
I feel that is important for every child to know the love of a father. This initiative is necessary for all fatherless children and is a noble undertaking. It is unfortunate that is necessary, but I’m glad Our Fatherless Foundation has stepped up to the plate to address this issue.